International Workshop on THz

  • Place and time
    The place is not defined
  • Work language
+Going2 people already going


The workshop is aimed at establishing strong links between early career researchers and leading experts in the field of terahertz (THz) radiation research. During the workshop early career researchers from UK and Russia will be able to present their ongoing research projects and to become familiar with the mutual fields of interests. There will be lectures by experienced researchers in the field of THz research and applications, from both academia and industry.

The workshop also will be focused on forming new connections between THz researchers and industry engineers and narrowing the gap between THz engineers and scientists. The technology demands from the THz industry will be uncovered and directions of mutual collaboration between scientists from UK and Russia will be defined. The workshop will aim at forming new bilateral project proposals between UK Royal Society and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The British side will be represented by Dr. Rob Donnan (Institute of bioengineering of Queen Mary University), Prof. Clive Parini  (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University), Dr. Stepan Lucyszyn (Imperial College London).


  • ITMO University
  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Russian Fundamental Research Fund
  • British Council

ITMO University Campus

St. Petersburg, Birzhevaja Linija 14


Contact: Aleksandr Atraschenko, researcher at Metamaterials Laboratory

Michael Odit, leading engineer at the Department of Internet Technologies Promotion
